Alan and Beth have been married since 20XX. About 30 years ago, Alan received a picture Bible . That Bible was created by a different artist, but it was the same comic form as the Action Bible. That Bible developed a hunger in Alan to know more about God.
Alan and Beth want their 3 Alpha children to impact the next generation of church leaders. Their kids are learning about the Bible from the Action Bible.
The Alpha Generation are children born since 2010. Their lives and worldviews will be formed during the 2020’s. There can be a feeling in the church that the kids from 1990 through current day have largely turned away from a biblical perspective. We want to take the initiative in the formative years of the Alphas to give them a personal experience with God. We also want to train up a new generation that will lead the church into an uncertain future.
Our society is pushing a variety of views about our culture, politics, race, the environment, and other areas on the Alphas. No matter where they stand on these various issues, we want them to have a biblical perspective and foundation as they develop and eventually lead.
We have found that children can be apathetic about learning the Bible, and we want to reach them at their level. When we create a hunger in them for God’s Word, believers can take these children to the next level of discipleship! We repeatedly hear stories from parents who are amazed at how much their children read the Action Bible.